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You are the creator of your life. Give it a try and notice how your overall connection to nature deepens. If you have a favorite spot in nature, go there. Relax for a few minutes and quiet your mind. Meditate and feel present, simply being, while taking in the sights, sounds, smells, and feelings of nature. Say aloud, I invite the spirits of nature around me to display themselves to me. I come to you in love, and I ask for only the highest good. Relax, unfocus your eyes, and open your senses. Feel the spirits of nature around you dancing and playing. Let yourself see them, hear them, smell them, feel them, sense them. Let yourself become aware of the teeming life force surrounding you. It is seen and unseen, physical and nonphysical. Shadows and Tall Trees
Say hello to the spirits of nature. Sing, dance, and play with them. Then, go back to your spot and sit in the quiet communion with nature and the spirits around you. Feel recognized and validated as you rest and feel the nurturance and support of nature. Give recognition and validation back to the spirits too. They really appreciate it in a world that has partially forgotten them. Open your heart even more and say aloud, I now connect with Natura, the feminine spirit of all nature. Let yourself sense her presence. This is Mother Nature. Physically open your arms in a big hug to Natura and invite her to hug you. Feel her gently move forward and enfold you in her arms. Experience this loving communion with Natura. It's All Over Now
Hug each other for as long as you’d like, and accept her nurturing energy with an open, grateful heart. Tell her anything that you would like, and listen with all of your senses for her messages. Enjoy communing with Natura and the elementals for as long as you’d like. When you’re ready, simply thank them all and state, I now disconnect from the elementals and Natura, as needed for my highest good in love and light. Then go about your day and maybe enjoy a fun nature walk to enhance your bliss even further. Mother Nature offers her nurturing essence to us all freely with no expectation of reciprocation. I dance through life, living my bliss, steeped in joy. Choose the good stuff. And yet you are but a spirit, floating like a feather on gentle breezes through dimensions and realities and experiencing diverse wonder with each gust. You can take the reins and feel amazing in any moment. You are your own guru. You are your own hero. Keep On Growing
Choose one that makes you feel amazing every day. You get to choose how to be nurtured by life. You get to relax into seductive elegance. You get to dance with freedom and joy and create your own personal paradise. You get to live in light and splash in abundant options. You get to embody the spirit and essence of your own unique bliss. Sometimes it takes commitment to see your awesomeness every single day. Make it upbeat, make it uplifting, make it joyful. Dance with passion and vigor. Dance away your density. Dance and dazzle yourself with the delight in the center of your soul. Dare to come alive with this dance right now. Think about the amazing experiences you have had in your life so far. They might be the obvious kind, like having a close encounter with a beautiful deer in your backyard, or you may just think of a moment when you held hands with your child while crossing the street and she said something quirky. These types of experiences remind us of the joy of being alive. They remind us of the gift of living. Because the truth is that you live an extraordinary life. Even if it appears ordinary on the outside, if you look closer, joy and diverse experiences are all around you. Notice how extraordinary your life truly is. It’s filled with love. Open your heart to it. Joy is bursting all over the world, all the time. In every country there is joy. It may be small, personal joys of family or huge, joyful festivals of community. We live in a primarily benevolent world filled with billions of people trying to find happiness. Bliss is something universal that everyone wants. It is everywhere. Start looking for it. Bliss and Joy Surround You In order to notice that joy is all around us and all around the world, we will observe and record it. Take it with you and make a point each day to notice people and accomplish the mission of seeing or hearing people experiencing joy. By actively seeking it out, you’ll begin to see joy all around you! Search your local area for opportunities for joy through community. You can do an Internet search for your state and the word celebrations or festivals. Sometimes if you include the words children, music, or art in your search, you will find some great day trips. Below you will see a list of joyful gatherings. Maybe you live near one of them. If not, let this list hearten you, because happiness is happening all over the planet. All around the world, people want to be joyful, feel love, and care for each other and our planet. Embrace all cultures, all flavors, all the beauty, and all the bliss this world has to offer. All around the world, people are exuberantly laughing right now. Joyful Living, Right Now! I make time for joy every day. Of course, alcohol is actually a depressant, and illegal drugs are obviously unhealthy for you. So how do you find pleasure and joy? You’ve heard the term high on life. What if you become one of those people who feel that? What if you work at feeling good? Think about the benefits you’d reap. Instead of feeling like you are stuck in an endless daily grind, you could add some pleasure to your day every day.