It's Important To Be Mindful When Gardening

In the class, we learned a bunch of different ways to practice mindfulness. Everything from sitting or lying quietly to eating, walking, moving, stretching, writing, drawing or talking mindfully. The class was held in the fall in a rustic building on a huge property that is essentially a park. Interestingly, several studies have shown that both meditation and mindfulness help whether your cortisol is too high or low. And in cases where cortisol was too low, meditation increased cortisol to a more optimal level. They are also all parts of different religious practices. Spirituality in general helps people feel connected to others and the world, which allows them to feel less like they need to control it all themselves. Feeling part of a greater whole makes it easier for them to understand that they are not responsible for everything that happens. Studies have shown that prayer can help people cope with stress, as well. Studies have also shown that such people are less likely to have a stroke, are less likely to die after heart surgery, and have shorter hospital stays than those who do not have a spiritual practice. You can do this by feeling gratitude for each of these elements in nature and what they make possible. By bringing our attention to the world around us, and ultimately the universe, it shifts our focus away from our daily stresses and helps us to see that we are part of a bigger whole.


Don't Believe Everything You Hear

Biofeedback is a technique involving breath and positive intentions to shift the response to stress, while also measuring a change in the body, such as a change in the heart rate. In contrast, when we feel calmness, happiness, and love, our heart rate is more coherent and has more variance between heartbeats. This has been shown to improve memory, focus, and performance. These techniques increase alpha waves in the brain, the same waves associated with meditation. Biofeedback can be used by children, students, athletes, parents, and professionals, at any point in time, in the moment and as a way to shift their overall state. With biofeedback, you can choose in the moment to take steps to help with stress recovery and improve resilience to stress. You might do this first for one minute. Then you might lengthen the amount of time from five to fifteen minutes per day to help get yourself out of stress mode. By breathing this way, you’ll become more able to respond in the stressful moments of your life, without feeling overwhelmed by the stress. Studies show that cortisol levels do decrease after yoga. It involves breath work, stretching, and poses, often in a series or progression, with the intention of reducing stress and negative thinking. It is important to choose a type of yoga that works well for you and your body.

You Don't Control Your Thoughts

Yoga is perfect when you want to feel connected with your body, something we lack in our busy lives. Spending time with animals is one of my favorite stress recovery activities. Perhaps some of you feel the same. Pets can provide enjoyment, connection, and snuggles. Whether you have cats, dogs, birds, horses, pigs, snakes, rabbits, ferrets, or any other animal in your home or on your property, I think you’ll agree. While it does take time and effort to care for them, the benefits of having animals in your life are endless. Studies show that having a dog decreases heart disease risk, likely by providing social support and motivation to exercise. Because I run a feral cat rescue and care facility, I’m all too familiar with the inhumane treatment that can occur. It is wonderful to adopt a pet, but abandoning it is neglectful. There are pet rescues in most towns that offer services for if you are no longer able to care for your pet. Please join me in caring for the animals that can provide such amazing stress reduction for us humans, when these animals have a loving home. Spending time in nature is another great stress reducer.

For Once In Your Life

Perhaps it comes from growing up in the Pacific Northwest of the United States, where there are so many outdoor activities, including hiking, skiing, and boating, but I find that even ten to fifteen minutes in nature can make a difference in my day. The earth is electromagnetic and gives off electrons. Our bodies also have electromagnetic fields in every cell and organ, which make it possible for them to function, move fluid and electrolytes, contract muscles, counteract oxidative stress, and essentially perform every activity in our bodies. As we support the electrical signals through the vagus nerve, vagal tone improves and our bodies recover from stress. Let’s think this through in a bit more detail. When we are under chronic stress, vagal tone decreases, and inflammation increases, leading to autoimmunity and metabolic issues associated with obesity. When we are inside buildings and wearing shoes outdoors, we do not receive electrons from earth, leaving us vulnerable to inflammation. On the other hand, when we stand or walk barefoot on the ground, grass, or beach, free electrons spread into our bodies, acting as antioxidants and decreasing inflammation.24 There are also grounding devices we can get for our homes and offices. Particularly if you are not able to go outdoors, for any reason, you can bring nature into your life by having a plant, looking at pictures of nature, or looking out the window. There is something about the colors and symmetry found in nature that our brain picks up on immediately. Studies of nature therapy show that the autonomic nervous system shifts into parasympathetic mode, heart rate variability improves, and cortisol stabilizes. It’s like we are preprogrammed to enjoy nature. You don’t even have to try. Just sit and look, and your brain will take it from there. As with most activities, it’s important to be mindful when gardening. Use kneepads when kneeling for long periods of time and essential oils, such as cedar, eucalyptus, and citronella, to fend off mosquitoes.